I am proud to announce my nomination as a candidate for the Malvern Delegate position.
I have been a dedicated Union member for 30 years since I started working here. I have been based at Malvern depot throughout my career actively involved in various areas including Womens Club | Social Club | Amenities Committee | Roster Committee and Proxy Union Delegate for the past 2 yrs.
I believe integrity is essential in this role, I stand by my principles, supporting fairness and unity in our workplace.
I want to see unity in our workplace and ensure that every driver is treated with fairness and respect.
I have always worked with members, not against them. I do not report on my colleagues – I stand by them. I am committed to standing up for those who are less fortunate, ensuring no one is left behind.
Over the past two years as Proxy Delegate, I have worked closely with drivers on many cases negotiating peaceful resolution and achieve excellent outcomes.
I am experienced and diplomatic when I have to negotiate the best outcome for my members.